A is for ALLAH
B is for Bismillah
C for Concentrate only on the right path, and staying away from following the Satanic footsteps.
D for Dua'a for everyone to do better in this life, and a peaceful ending and Hereafter. Ameen.
E for Eternal blessed life may we all get Jannah when we die. Ameen.
F for Faith in ONE ALLAH and His Final Messenger Muhammad (pbuh).
G for Grave may ALLAH protect us from its darkness and open its window to Jannah.
H for Honour everyone with love and respect so you be honoured by ALLAH.
I for ISLAM the only true and best religion.
J for Jihad, struggling for the Sake of Allah.
K for Kill all the evil desires raised in our hearts by Satan and be strong in faith.
L for "La ilaha illa Allahu,Muhammad ur-rasul ALLAH" heartbeat of every Muslim.
M for Muhammad (pbuh) the best human, for whom ALLAH made this entire universe.
N for Nourish your soul with loads of Ibadah and extra supplications.
O for ONE Life and ONE Death so make this life so pure, our next life be full of peace.
P for Peace, Peace and only Peace and we should be proud to be Muslims.
Q for Qur'an which we must recite daily and understand and implement in daily life.
R for Riba means INTEREST which is illegal in Islam.
S for Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)which we will follow In shaa'Allah.
T for Truth which leads to a peaceful life.
U for Un-blessed people who disgrace and don't respect their parents.
V for Victory of ISLAM Insha'Allah.
W for Watch which way you're going in this world, are you sure it will lead to Jannah?
X for Xerox means copy The Qur'an in your and heart and follow the Sunnah.
Y for YA-ALLAH our ONLY Saviour in this world and in the Hereafter.
Z for Zealous towards Islam and bring new hope for a blessed life in both worlds.
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