Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Identity of the Dajjal

Along with the prophecy about the appearance of the Dajjal, the Messenger of Allah has left us some definite signs and symbols by which his Ummah or people can correctly identify and consequently be resistant to it and fight the impostor. In this chapter, the Hadis of the Messenger of Allah regarding the identity of the Dajjal will be put forward to get a clearer picture of the situation.

 Seen in this light, it is a very pertinent and important point regarding the Dajjal mainly because if the actual character of the Dajjal is not manifest before us, then the magnitude of the dangers represented by it cannot be accurately comprehended either. It is quite similar to an enemy disguised amongst us as a friend; therefore the harm it can cause us is enormous. It may be that this is why the Messenger of Allah has left us so many details wherewith the Dajjal can be identified.

 However, he has also added that it is only true Mo'mens who will be able to correctly identify the Impostor, even if they are illiterate, while on the other hand, even highly educated persons will miss the 'Kafer' written on the forehead of the Dajjal.


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